Most frequent questions and answers

Absolutely Yes, Aside from the fact that you can share it to your friends who might be needing the app, you can enjoy other features of the app like earning points and redeeming exciting items.

Yes. the app provides numbers of job offers that you can choose and apply with, and the app will only served as a channel that you can use when applying. The outcome of the application still depends on the situation.

You can earn points by referring a friend that must register succesfully. You can also earn points by applying. See how to earn points section in the app for more information.

It is possible that your friend haven’t register succesfully or already downloaded the app before you referrred them. You can check your inbox for succesful referral and crediting the points.

You may either send us a message through Messenger or WhatsApp by indication which Phase you want you join, your name and your mobile number. A confirmation reply will be sentto you once we reserved a slot for you. 

You may either send us a message through Messenger or WhatsApp by indicating which item you want to redeem together with your mobile number. Details and schedule will be sent to you once acknowledge.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Please send us a message through Messenger or WhatsApp. We appreciate if a screenshot and short details of the issue you’ve encountered will be provided.